Rock Hill VMS
Supports Entrepreneurs
in Rock Hill
Rock Hill Venture Mentoring Service is an educational program that is focused on assisting entrepreneurial activity and innovation based on the MIT Venture Mentoring Services model.
Team building approach
Entrepreneurs are paired with 3 to 4 volunteer mentors selected for their experience in areas relevant to the needs of the entrepreneur.
Participants and cost
Entrepreneurs and mentors are
hand-selected based on enthusiasm, commitment, and knowledge. VMS services are free of charge, and the program does not ask for any equity in the company.
Venture teams meet at least once a month in sessions that provide professional advice and coaching to help solve business problems the entrepreneur is facing.
Rock Hill VMS functions as a program under the
Rock Hill Economic Development Corporation and the City of Rock Hill.

helping entrepreneurs launch and grow
avg. mentors
per venture
Who is eligible to participate?
Rock Hill VMS offers service to ready-for-mentoring entrepreneurs based in Rock Hill who are in need of advice and guidance with their business.
Will my idea be taken?
No, the Rock Hill VMS operates in a confidential environment, free of conflicts of interest and for its entrepreneurs, mentors, and the board.
How long does the program last?
Rock Hill VMS services are ongoing and will continue as long as you need.
How do I apply?
Please fill out the application form to be considered for our program either as an entrepreneur or a mentor, through the link under the "Sign Up" tab. Then, hang tight as we review your application.
Rock Hill VMS is dedicated to the development and growth of entrepreneurs in Rock Hill and surrounding area with the vision that the entrepreneurs provide an essential and sustainable economic engine to our community and quality of life.